CADCAM Workflow
with OnyxCeph™
Everything You Should Know
About Digital Orthodontics
Live Hands-on
Diving into Digital Orthodontics with OnyxCeph™
Dr. Liebl, Dr. Peylo and Dr. Yoo are recognized experts in the field of digital orthodontics and well known speakers in Germany and other European Countries. Following the great success of the courses in the last two years (held in German), a two-day training session will take place in 2024. Due to many requests from our international colleagues, the next course will be in English language.
The presenters will not only demonstrate different modules of the OnyxCeph™ software, but also address orthodontic issues associated with it. This includes the entire digital workflow from scanning, 3D printing, CADCAM design, In-house Aligner production and much more.
The aim of the course is to learn how to use the OnyxCeph™ software from scratch. It is a sophisticated and comprehensive software and includes different modules for various applications, ranging from different analyses to virtual setups and digital planning and designing of orthodontic appliances. The most important modules (Model evaluation, Segmentation, Analysis, Aligner 3D, Bite Splint 3D, FA-Bonding 3D, Bonding Trays 3D, Ortho Apps 3D, and Bite Splint 3D) will be explained in this course and together worked through step by step.
Newbys to OnyxCeph™ will be guided to make their entry into the digital world as easy and pleasant as possible. Advanced users can deepen their knowledge in OnyxCeph™ and can benefit from tips and tricks for the different modules. Participants will also receive patches with treatment templates created by the presenters, which they can use in their own practices, saving countless hours of 3D planning. Thus, you will directly benefit from the extensive experience of the presenters.
After the two days, participants will be able to plan and design their first digital appliances.
our strength
Course information
- Date: coming soon
- Time: 09:00-17:00
- Place: Mercure Hotel, Neu-Isenburg, Germany
- Fee: Course 2000€, Material* 500€. VAT included
- Resident: Course 1800€, Material* 500€. VAT included
- 16 CME points
- Testlicence of Onyxceph™
- Own laptop is required.
*Material: Consist of more than 80 patch-files and around 20 instruction videos.
Course program
- Basic functions of OnyxCeph
- Analysis, Model Cast, Segmentation
- FA Bonding
- IDB Tray
- Setup
- Staging
- Attachments
- Clinical tips
- Register 3D
- TAD-Match
- Surgical Guide
- OrthoApps
- Slider, MARA etc.
- RME, Hybrid-RME
- Herbst
- Herbst
- Splints
- Retainer
Changes reserved.
Dr.Stephan Peylo
- Orthodontic practice in Heppenheim, Germany
- National and international speaker for digital orthodontics
- Clinical consultant for Scheu-Dental
- Certifier for Graphy Direct Printed Aligner
Registration closed.
Ihr beide seid echt super. Frau war auch ganz begeistert! Seit langem die beste Fortbildung, die ich besucht habe.
Ich habe diese Woche erfolgreich meine erste GNE designt und bei Caddent bestellt.
Motiviert durch deinen hervorragenden Kurs habe ich heute direkt Mal das mit den Scanbodies versucht.
Vielen Dank für die zwei Tage Fortbildung und den Abend mit Euch!Ich habe unheimlich viel gelernt und die Zeit ist wie im Flug vergangen.
Vielen Dank für die tollen Infos! Es sind sogar die IDB-Tray Werte für
die GC experience brackets mit dabei. Bin schon gespannt bald das erste
Tray zu drucken.
Toll find ich auch nochmal die videos zum Einbinden von 3D-Objekten mit
der Referenzierung und natürlich alle anderen Infos.
Rundum ein tolles Paket, das ihr geschnürt habt 😉
Für mich ist DAS einer der besten Kurse um digitale Workflows in der eigenen Praxis zu etablieren. Die beiden Referenten teilen nicht nur ihr umfangreiches Wissen, sondern stehen bei praktischen Hands on Übungen zur Seite. Absolut empfehlenswert!
This is a fantastic course. As I attended it, I can confirm that even the advanced ones can learn a lot in this 2 days!
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